Know The Osmosing Volume

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Thousand Intentions Gone Awry

"It would be interesting to read a blog you wrote while in Japan," people said to me. Alan agreed, giving me a space on the suite to write.

Well, as you've all discovered by this point, that didn't really happen. I spend a lot of my life being in Japan, as opposed to writing about being in Japan. I've discovered a dislike for reporting. I still like writing, but telling everything I've done gets old, real fast.

I went to Hiroshima with my study program a couple of weekends ago. That was very sobering, as I'm sure most of you (you invisible audience, you) would imagine. We saw things melted by the blast, horrible pictures of people dying or dead, and listened to a survivor speak about her experiences (in English, which when you think about it is pretty impressive). I cried a couple of times. I'm even more firmly against nuclear weapons than I was before. If you saw the stuff in the museum... If you heard this woman speak... If you watched the footage... you'd probably agree with me.

Anyway, aside from Hiroshima, I spend my time running around with program people. My hopes of having Japanese friends are... not dashed, but certainly subdued. It's okay. I'm still enjoying the country and learning about it and the language and myself and all that good stuff. I have a good group of friends who I plan to keep in contact with when I get back Stateside.

For now, that is all. Maybe another post soon.


  • Ah! The age-old battle between Living and Posterity. I know it well.

    I'm so glad to see a post from you. I make a point of not pestering you about posting because I know there's so much else you could (or should) be doing. Unlike Carl.

    By Blogger Alan Orlanski, at 2:17 PM  

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