Know The Osmosing Volume

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I Shake My Fist

Hello folks, Bridget again.

So tonight I was feeling rather low--a series of events that led to this general feeling, all very small and by themselves inconsequential. I cried a little on the train, to myself, thinking all the while that indulging myself in this was probably good and healthy. I got off the train, and thought to myself, "Fucking hell, I'm sick of this."

So I decided to break a rule to make me feel better.

Not a huge rule or anything, mind you. Just something sneaky I could get away with. So I chose the following, as it served a dual purpose:

In Japan, it is deeply frowned upon to eat or drink while walking. I don't know why, that's just the way it is. There's a grammar form in Japanese that means "doing something while doing something else": in this case, it would be 食べながら歩いています(which reads "tabenagara aruiteimas"). That means, "Eating while walking". There is also a grammar form that implies "something that should not be done according to cultural mores." This is ~なければなりません, (which reads ~nakerebanarimasen). So:

食べながら歩いて行ってなければなりません。I have certainly screwed the grammar up on this, but basically, "Eating while walking is something you mustn't do."

This also applies for drinking, but I figure you guys don't need me to congegate it all for you. So.

I went up to one of the ubiquitous vending machines (seriously, every street corner) and got myself a hot cocoa in a can. "Fucking stupid cultural mores," I muttered, and opened that sucker and






Oooh, devious beast I am.

The other purpose, besides making me feel better, was to keep myself warm on the 15 minute walk from the station. It served both purposes well. I haven't cried again today and I took a nice long shower/bath and now things are much better.


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