Know The Osmosing Volume

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I didn't register that one, sorry.

Went into the thrift store lateish today. I'm scheduled to work at four, but I generally go in earlier, to have more hours. Today, I could have gone in at 12; instead I dawdled around the house, talking to my dad about politics (which we agree on, of course; everyone who has ever met my dad says he's one of the coolest guys ever), and drinking coffee and reading comics. It was nice, and I was in by 2:50.

Joe (the best manager of all) trained me on the registers today. I was doing great until I totally fucked up this one woman's purchase. Of course, it was kind of her fault; she had me total all her stuff, and after I'd hit "open drawer" (by accident; you're supposed to hit subtotal first) she hands me this other receipt. It's for a bedframe, and she needs to pay for it, too. Thanks, lady. So I ask Joe, he helps me and tells me to staple it to her other receipts...

...and it suddenly goes missing.

It took me about ten minutes to find the damn thing. It turned out that I had dropped it in my search for a stapler. Thank god. The whole affair took about 15 minutes and I felt like an idiot.

Another post soon, about our regulars. Now I'm off to the symphony with my parents.


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